Monday Women’s Bible Study

We are reading and discussing D. Bonhoeffer's book, Life Together, and taking it slowly. Please don't hesitate to join us anytime. We next meet on April 1st at Terry Hotchkin's home, 17308 NE 27th Ave, @ 1:00pm , and every other Monday there after. Come enjoy a rousing discussion with us as we learn and grow together.

Wednesday Morning Class - 10:30AM - Kairos Room (located adjacent to the rear of the sanctuary)

“Walking Through Romans”

Pastor Tom Larson leads a Wednesday morning Bible study. They recently completed a study of Luther’s Small Catechism, which is a wonderful Bible study guide. A brand new study begins on Wednesday, April 3 to walk through the New Testament letter to the Romans. Written by the apostle Paul to a community of Christians in the heart of the empire, we will hear the challenges and encouragements we need to stay grounded in our faith in a confusing world. The study will walk verse by verse through Paul’s letter with plenty of opportunity for questions along the way. Gather every Wednesday in the Kairos Room by the sanctuary, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Dorcas Sewers

Love to quilt/sew?  We have a group for you. A group of ladies meet in the basement on Wednesday mornings from 9am - 12pm, to make quilts together and fellowship.  The quilts are sent to various groups in our local community and internationally. All are welcome!


Missional Growth Group

Are you interested in thinking more about how God is working around and through you? Curious about how we as Christians might reach out in love to support and serve those who don’t know Jesus? Open to sharing your thoughts and experiences? Join an early morning short-term Growth Group this spring! 

When?  7:30 am - 9:00 am

              April 30, May 14 & 28, June 11 & 18, and July 9 & 23

Where? St. John Lutheran in the Kairos Room

Group members will share how they are seeing God at work, and discuss readings that help us get to know Vancouver (demographic data) and approaches others have taken to creative ministry (Tattoos on the Heart, Father Gregory Boyle). We will get to know each other, be renewed in our own daily service and outreach, and dream about ways St. John can reach people with the Gospel.   Questions? Talk to Lisa Keyne ( Lisa and Pastor Brian will be facilitating the conversations.